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PREORDERS: Book before the show (and checkins) and save ~30% on various stage packages! Curious about what's included in a package? See our "services" tab for more info, or scroll down to see last year's media. Don't hesitate to reach out via email or Instagram DM with any questions.

LATE ORDERS: Don't worry, you can still get your media! Basic and mid-level packages are available for booking, so please fill out the form below to get your media. Gold and Cinematic packages are not available for late bookings. 

You will receive a custom DropBox Folder link via email. For most shows, you will receive your routines from prejudging and finals - if it's only finals, the routine reel will include that footage. We also invite you to a collaboration post on Instagram for video packages. Routine Reels are posted (1) business day after the comp, and we usually publish the remaining media in the following days after the competition. Size and media scope of the show can vary.


Select a Stage Media Package
Post-Show Gym Shoots:

Please check back later!

Thanks for booking! Check your email for confirmation details.

Got Questions? Chat With Us.

Thanks! We'll reach out soon.

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